Church School Partnership
"St Peter's shines like a beacon of excellence, living out its Christian distinctiveness through its vision and values..... pupils and staff are enabled to flourish..... Strong relationships, underpinned by Christian values, guide each individual to love and respect others..... Creatively, the school is transforming lives. They teach their pupils to overcome barriers and flourish as responsible young citizens..... There is a relentless focus on the needs of the child."
SIAMS Church School Inspection March 2020.
Our Vision
We are a welcoming, inclusive family with a strong Christian ethos. We continually aim to be an excellent school where people care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others thing is practical and expect more than others think is possible. (For our full vision see PDF below)
Being a Church School is really important to us. We have been serving the Portishead Community for over 200 years and want to continue to do so many years to come. Our partnership with Portishead Church of England, and in particular with, St Peter’s Parish Church is active and strong, and enriches the lives of all in our community. In our most recent Church school inspection we were graded as an Excellent Church School. You can read this report below.
We welcome all regardless of faith or belief. We aim to value faith and encourage reflection on Christian values and tradition within the wider context of collective worship and the whole curriculum.
Collective worship is a very important part of each day and we have a variety of different types of events during the week (whole school, key stage, and class). Please see our collective worship policy for more details.
We embed Christian values within our curriculum and also in our collective worship. Every term, children in each year group explore 3 values and consider how, through living out these values in our daily lives, we can be excellent in the way we live, as individuals, and with others.
We regularly welcome clergy from the parish in to school for collective worship and RE lessons and we regularly visit St Peter’s Church for festivals, RE and other cross curricular events.